Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Adjusting to a new life

Hello Everyone,

Yes it has been a while.  Long story short.  I have a PFA with eviction in place on my husband.  He crossed the line again.  I have 100% physical custody of our three children. The PFA lasts a year. The only way he can see me is through counselling. 
The PFA went into effect on 9/10. So far things have been a bit calmer in my house.  The kids are adjusting nicely.  They have hardly asked for him:(  So far they have not talked to him since right after the emergency PFA went to effect.  He basically got them on the phone and asked for me.
This is his chance to get his life back together.  I hope he takes it.  He did attempt suicide 3 times now and spent 3 days at a hospital in the ward.

Hope he gets his shit together.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he does, too. Take care of yourself and those kids, hang in there. You are strong and wonderful and those around you are lucky. Sending good wishes and warm thoughts.


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