Thursday, February 7, 2013

He has been served

Holy Crap. I hired someone to serve him the divorce papers. I literally dropped off the papers and the gentlemen said I will go serve him now. I had some errands to run and was really nervous especially since I knew any minute I could get a nasty email. How would he react? Is he just as done as I am or is he going to fight me tooth and nail?

Anyway my friend, pretty damn close friend. I say this because he is also my co-worker. We go way back. He is my work spouse and I can say ANYTHING to him. Anyway he convinces me to stop over since his wife had a township meeting tonight. He knew I had to go drop off the papers to be delivered. He just didn't want me going straight home, we were thinking of doing booger king with the kiddos.

My email dings on the phone as I am pulling into Reds driveway. Thankfully it said Andrew *** ******has been served as of 5:15pm. I opened the door to my car and puked. It was like the nerves have killed my stomach.

I have heard nothing and hope that continues to be the case. I hope he signs off and leaves me alone. I doubt he will but my parents are willing to pony up.


  1. It's no use to get uptight. Most states have divorce laws pretty much as here's the deal, and that's it. If he wants a fight, no use worrying about. That's want lawyers are for.

  2. If he knows whats good for him, he'll sign the papers and put an end to it. Lucky you didn't get that email after the booger king.. That could have been ugly..
    I wish you a speedy process from this point NA.

  3. LOL 1manview, I don't wanna pay for a lawyer! I really don't. Those suckers are spendy!!!!

    Eg-When don't I need a good fuck;) Or lick........yeah rinse repeat;)

    BHP:) I too hope this ends soon! I am done!


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