Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Survived Sandy and a Happy 35th birthday to me:)

Well pretty much surviving everything at the moment;)  Things are going well sans living with my FIL.  My Mom is finally going back to Florida on Sunday.  Once that happens I should have more time to post.
Things have been wellllllllllll hectic.
I mean he is evicted for the next year.  I have custody.  He has only seen them once since August.  He is not paying support.  I have gotten approved for daycare BUT the funding is on a wait list which can take up to 9 months to collect on. He is still living in a hotel.  I am on pussy lock down, living with my FIL.
Kids start daycare tomorrow, I called the center and explained my lack of funding.  So she listened to my story and said 140.00 a week, 1 full time 4 year old and 2 before/after school care.  Um DEAL!  That even includes drop in days!!  Wow there really are some nice people in this world!

Yes I am a survivor at the moment. 

I have had all sorts of people step up to the plate to help.  My old roomie came back for a week and slept on my couch.  He painted my entire downstairs.  Even made me leave the house to go out for drinks.

My parents helped out and painted too:)  Plus bought new drapes etc.  My house is coming together.

Then I started to say.......hey I have a libido....the naughty angel came out.  Wind up sext/texting an old friend............Yeah HAHAHA he came back for a visit a couple weeks ago.  I had some much needed fun. Though it left me starving for more. I want more of him.

Sooooooo here I am.  Doing okay.  I have all 4 of us going to weekly counseling sessions at the local domestic violence center once a week.  We seem to be making progress.

I am pretty sure I am filing for divorce come Jan.  I don't care what anyone says but even if he gets clean, he can go suck a bag of dicks.  I will never trust him again.  NEVER.

So it has been a whirl wind.  Hopefully once my Mom is gone I will be back around and posting here and there.  Even if it is just mindless rants and raves;)

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